WELCOME Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church is located in Boston. We are the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Byzantine Eastern Rite of the Kyivan tradition. We are open to worship God with all followers of Jesus Christ and eager to share the Good News of the Holy Gospel with all people of good will! Our parish follows the Gregorian (New) calendar throughout the year, including Easter.
Liturgical Schedule
8:30 a.m. in English
10:00 a.m. in Ukrainian
Major feast days:
6:00 p.m. in Ukrainian
Please see the Parish Bulletin section for the upcoming week liturgy schedule.
Christ the King Parish Mission Statement
We are the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Byzantine Eastern Rite of the Kyivan tradition.
Our Church is Sui Juris (Own Law) with the unique Ukrainian spiritual, liturgical, theological, and canonical tradition, which is in full ecclesial communion with the Pope of Rome.
The head of our Ukrainian Catholic Church is His Beatitude, Patriarch Sviatoslav who resides in Kyiv, Ukraine, where the Patriarchal Cathedral of Christ’s Resurrection was erected in recent years.
We strive to create a vibrant and compassionate parish community where our parishioners may encounter the Living Christ through worship, preaching, teaching and healing services.
We are open to worship God with all followers of Jesus Christ and eager to share the Good News of the Holy Gospel with all people of good will.
Come to our church to glorify God and serve one another in spirit of love and truth, justice and mercy, compassion and empathy.
“Be compassionate as your Father in heaven is compassionate.” (Luke 6:36)